Wednesday 2 November 2016

Immersed in the Ocean of His Mercy (1 of 3)

Few weeks back, I was asked to share with one of the local ministries my pilgrimage journey at World Youth Day this past summer. As I reflected on how the theme ‘Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy’ manifested itself in my life, the image that came was that of an immersion. I wondered in prayer what the Lord meant by immersion when the understanding that was spoken to me was this: ‘You see an immersion does not leave any part of you untouched, whereas a shower flows surfaces your being. So I prayerfully asked the Holy Spirit to unpack it for me under the guidance of our Lady.
You see this fourth beatitude ‘Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy’ from the sermon of Jesus on the mountain can be either overwhelming for some of us or quite simplistic for others. However, in the narrative presented to us by Matthew 5:7, it could be easy for us to say ‘Oh Yes, I know about being merciful. I’ve been practicing all the corporal works of mercy during this year of mercy. I’m good. I counsel the doubtful, teach the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the sorrowful, forgive offences, patiently bear with troublesome people and pray to God for the living and the dead.’
Now what about the second part? Have we experienced what it means to obtain mercy? Have we paused to ponder on how God manifests His mercy in our life? Pope Francis tells us that the biblical concept of mercy also includes the tangible presence of love that is faithful, freely given and able to forgive (31st WYD, Pope Francis). This said, we could divide my pilgrimage in three different parts, the preparation phase, the journey and its fruits. I mean what I shared was definitively more extensive than what I am writing to you in this packed blog reflection on as we tend towards the end of this year of Mercy.

Part I: Fundraiser as preparation…
For me when I think of this past pilgrimage, it did not start when we got in the plane. No, I must say from the moment I answered the call to go, I was challenged to trust God with my finances. Yes indeed, my brain got busy with no destination to land at. Turning to the Lord in prayer, I was inspired to start an online fundraiser campaign. Mama mia! I was a bit discomforted, because I knew I was about to take on an out of comfort zone project. What will follow was the most amazing thing as I designed the online campaign, prayed over what perks I could reasonably offer including majorly copies of my book digitally and as paperback. The first few days, there were no answers, but GOD who leads never forsakes.
As I kept praying for our Lord to stir hearts towards my cause, and moves as He wills; He did what only He can. Doors began to open. I was given humble strength to persevere in knocking at doors. I was experiencing something I did not expect; others’ mercy towards my cause. Some were giving beyond my hope. Some were giving out of their little funds. You see, that journey was increasing me in virtues, because I had to practice humility in sharing my desire with others, and faith in the perks GOD was calling me to give. Some were lifting me in their prayers in ways that were simply moving. Some gave and wanted no perks at all, so I was writing every name because I knew deep down each person had something their hearts was yearning to present to the Lord.
Reflecting back in association with the words of our Holy Father Pope Francis, this was tangible love. This love was being freely given in every way possible. In the process, because my health conditions suddenly changed, I was also put in a place where I was led to practice mercy towards others by forgiving again and again in front of the Blessed Sacrament. It was a season when I surrendered both to the medical team (doctor, nurse) that were caring for me, meanwhile abandoning myself to the nurse of all nurses; our Blessed Mother (see my thanksgiving blog for more). However, our Lord who called to this trip strengthened me himself at our surprise so I could make the trip...                     Click to continue to Part 2 of 3...

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